Risk measurement of personnel reliability question always relevant not only for new candidates, but for current employees. This question relevant for employees of security services of company, for employees of staff management systems (HRM).

For this objects can be used different systems and technical devices.

Concern for complex risk measurement of reliability:

Mental stability: probability estimate of proper (effective) behavior under pressure, probability estimate of finding right decision under pressure. Also being estimated risks of propensity for additive (abnormal) behavior: substance and alcohol abuse;

Moral qualities: estimation of honesty and sociability. Being estimated propensities for illegal behavior, deception;

Focusing on job: being estimated human’s present relation to activity. Giving answer to question:”If job interesting for human at real moment in fact?”, or he is dealing this interest, and he actually interested in something else;

Educability:  being estimated capacity to learn and learning something new. It is always relevant: for new employees it is adaptation to new arrangements, for current employees it is always necessary quickly adapt to new arrangements, because changes always are in process.

For signification indicated lines in estimation it is possible take to polygraph analysis (“test on polygraph”).

The analyzed subject on polygraph usually is information which was told to probationer and concerning events which happened to him (fact of biography, actions, acts and etc.). Significance of information being estimated with probationer’s specific physiological reactions over answers the questions. Under the conditions of experiment significance of conclusions, being passed by experienced operator, is compiling 90-95%. However results, being gotten over analysis on polygraph, do not have any validity and can be used only as conceptual witting.

Be worth noticing the fact that high indexes of liability to AB(abnormal behavior), being showed up with psychognostic scales, in 78% were the same as results of inspection on polygraph. It is conforming validity of this scales and possibility their effective practicing during massive inspections (Grabskiy Y.V., Ermolaeva S.A., Tarasova V.M. Using polygraph in system of arrangements about professional selection of military specialists’s  certain categories//  Content of research and practice conference “Using the newest information technologies in arrangements about professional psychological selection in Armed Forces of the Russian Federation”. M.:  the General Staff of Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, 2003 – S.96-98.).

Thus we designed profile of evaluation risk measurement of respondent reliability with Expert system of complex personality analyzing (ESCPA). Comparative analysis of polygraph and ESCPA performed as table down this article. Also indicated merits and demerits of each from methods and indications for using not only polygraph, but Expert system of complex personality analyzing.

The table of comparative analysis of facts, being received with inspection on polygraph and with Expert system of complex personality analyzing (ESCPA).

№ п/п

Concerns, functions, directives





Evaluation of professional qualities





Forecasting of addictive(abnormal) behavior





Determination logic with addictive(abnormal) behavior in past






Determination and/or forecast level of internal stress in activity





Risk measurement of respondent





Using in investigation in case of lawlessness





It is required special hard and software





It is required being special qualified expert





Time of inspection

3-4 hours

10-50 minutes



Time for manipulation of data

2-4 hours




It is required special software of inspection





Sample report about evaluation of risk measurement of respondent.

Profile for evaluation with KPI (Key Performance Indicators): Evaluation of candidate’s safety


Evaluation is performed on several levels.

1.   Evaluation of moral qualities and propensity for lawlessness behavior.

2.   Evaluation of immunity to stress factors.

3.   Evaluation of motivation to job.

4.   Evaluation of intelligent qualities.



1. Moral qualities

Evaluation of capacity for moral behavior and abience of lawlessness activities.

Category of LB (lawlessness behavior): 3 – Competence developed on decentish level (50).


2.  Evaluation of immunity to stress factors

Capacity for proper behavior in stress conditions, probability finding of right solution under pressure.

Category of LB (lawlessness behavior): 2 – Competence developed well (70)


3. Attitude to work

Evaluation of present need (attitude, motivation) for job.

Category of LB (lawlessness behavior): 2 – Competence developed well (60)


4. Evaluation of intelligent qualities

On underdevelopment of this competence it is high risk of companys safety.

Category of LB (lawlessness behavior): 2 – Competence developed well (75.81)


Central case on evaluation of profile: 63.95%

(Evaluation is estimated from central case on all indexes)

Existance of critical values of index for profile:

 No values which are lower then allowed critical indexes.